Elon Musk, Twitter’s prospective new overlord, on Monday afternoon tweeted out a meme appearing to tease a team-up with Kanye West, the rapper-turned-fashion-mogul recently engulfed in a storm of criticism for his noxious antisemitism online. Within hours, Musk deleted the tweet with no comment. The low-resolution meme showed West and Musk’s faces photoshopped over two characters from the anime Dragon Ball touching fingers, with the logos of Parler and Twitter respectively superimposed on their chests. “Wait for it…” the meme was captioned, with Musk writing in a followup tweet: “Fun times ahead!!” West is reportedly purchasing Parler, the conservative social media app running on fumes, after being locked out of Instagram and later Twitter for his antisemitic posts. After Instagram restricted his account, West shifted over to Twitter, where he was greeted enthusiastically by Musk shortly before spewing a tweet about “going death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE.” To this, Musk had a milder response, saying he had spoken to West to express his concerns, “which I think he took to heart.”