Here’s the crux of the article in video form:
New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….
Original story (published on September 12, 2022) follows:
Instagram’s ‘link in bio’ feature lets users add a link to their bio which takes followers to their website, product page or some other important page.
In other words, ‘link in bio’ refers to the clickable URL on one’s profile that takes you to an external website. Many influencers benefit from this feature as it allows huge traffic, boosts engagement and proliferates blog visitors.
But it seems that the ‘link in bio’ feature is currently bugged and is not taking visitors to the intended page or website.
Instagram ‘link in bio and stories’ not working
Many Instagram users (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) are facing an issue where the link in bio and stories is constantly taking them to the Instagram home page.
@instagram why every time I tap the link in someone’s bio it goes to http://instagram.com?!
Everyone’s link in bio feature on Instagram isn’t working at all for me? What’s up with this. It keeps taking me to a web version of IG.
When i click a link on Instagram from a Story or bio instead of taking me to where the link goes it sends me to the online version of Instagram can anyone help me fix this??
Ideally, a link in bio or someone’s story should take a user to their website or profile. But it keeps directing them to the web version of Instagram.
For some users, the links in their DMs are also inaccessible. The issue could possibly have been caused by the recent app update.
As a matter of fact, we also witnessed how Instagram and Facebook stories recently started auto-playing with audio on silent mode after a new update.
Even worse, there are also some cases where the link in bios is not opening on Android altogether. And it works absolutely fine on iPhone.
No official acknowledgment, potential workarounds
However, it’s not safe to merely speculate as there is no official acknowledgment of the issue where Instagram ‘link in bio’ is not working.
Fortunately, there’s a workaround and it includes the usual deleting and downloading the app again, according to an affected user.
Another workaround involves logging out of the main app and logging back in again.

We’ll keep track of the situation and post an update if and when there are any further developments regarding the matter, so stay tuned to PiunikaWeb.
Update 1 (September 13, 2022)
10:22 am (IST): According to one of our team members, links in bio and stories are working fine on the previous v250. of the app on Android.
Hence, you can revert back to the previous version and see if the issue gets resolved.
Update 2 (September 14, 2022)
04:46 pm (IST): Instagram app has got a new update on Play Store with v252. Hence, those affected can install it and see if it fixes the issue with links in bio and stories.
Update 3 (September 16, 2022)
06:49 pm (IST): Some users now say that uninstalling and reinstalling the app doesn’t work for them, while others say it does. So you may have to try your luck with this workaround.
Thanks for the tip: Melissa Valdez!
Update 4 (September 19, 2022)
05:58 pm (IST): According to some users (1, 2), the latest app updates on both iOS and Android does not resolve the problem. So for now, they can only wait until the next update arrives, hopefully with a definitive fix.
Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Instagram section so be sure to follow them as well.
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