Are you looking to change the enemy color in Overwatch 2?
If you’re color blind, you might not be able to tell or differentiate specific colors.
Overwatch 2 was released on October 4, 2022.
Since its release, the game has had multiple known issues.
Some of the known issues are server disconnection, cosmetics, items, currency not showing up, and others.
In this guide, you’ll learn what is the enemy color and how to change the enemy color in Overwatch 2.
What is the enemy color in Overwatch 2?
The default enemy color in Overwatch 2 is red.
On the other hand, the default ally color in the game is blue (light blue).
If you’re color blind, you can change the enemy or ally color so that you can differentiate between them.
You can do this via your accessibility settings.
How to change enemy color in Overwatch 2
To change the enemy color in Overwatch 2, you need to go to your accessibility settings.
Once you’re there, select “Color Blindness”, select the “Enemy UI color” drop-down box, and select your desired color.
Here’s how to do this:
- Press “Esc” on your keyboard.
- Select “Options” in the menu.
- On the top navigation bar, select “Accessibility”.
- Select the “Enemy UI color” drop-down box.
- Select your desired color.
Make sure to apply your changes or it will not be saved.
Do note that you may need to restart the game to apply certain changes.
Further reading
How to Change Subtitles in Overwatch 2