You can tell by scrolling through Duff Goldman’s social channels that he loves a good meme, especially when it’s about baking. Apparently, there’s a meme account out there that is consistently posting photos of pastries that look like animals, and Goldman is here for it. The first one he posted on Instagram was of a croissant shaped like a shark, and the meme read: “hey babe is everything ok you haven’t touched your croisshark.” The baker clearly got a kick out of it and wrote in the Instagram caption: “The internet may be the downfall of democracy, intelligence, and morality … but with gems like this I say it’s a small price to pay.”
The latest baked good in disguise was tiramisu shaped like a triceratops and followed the same format with the caption: “hey babe is everything ok you’ve barely touched any of your triceramisu,” (via Twitter). The Food Network star shared the meme on the social media site and said “I don’t know who’s making these but keep it up.” Goldman’s Twitter followers were cracking up at the meme and one fan replied: “Eeer my geeerrr!! I wants one!” Another tweeter thought the celebrity chef was responsible for the memes, replying: “I thought it was you.” Another of Goldman’s followers commented that they were “partial to chocolate moose,” and shared a cute photo of chocolate mousse with edible antlers, eyes, and a strawberry mouth.